As we leave December, I can only say thank you 2011, and I am choosing
this image that evokes simplicity, stillnes ans beauty..... to do so.
Three montsh after giving birth to my daughter I can seat down and refelct on what life has been showing me.
Three montsh after giving birth to my daughter I can seat down and refelct on what life has been showing me.
The biggest gift, my daughter Elise -now 3 months old and growing fast and strong.
The biggest lost, my grandmother.
The biggest challenge: having to stay still, due to some health concerns
A rewarding surprise; love from people I did not know so well
I have been advocating for movement as a source of balance and strength for quite some time now, using aerial movement as the tool to enhance your body awareness , the connection with your internal dialogue and of course the playful spirit that we all have (sometimes sleeping though...), it is ironic that this year inspite of the changes in my own ability to move-I have not change my mind -but actually have deepen my understanding of movement .I comprehend now the "two sides" of our being on a 3 dimensional reality.