Circus arts therapy , PSCA next place to play!!
As the hot summer days start to warm our bodies, our mind can get a little cloudy, maybe not just because of the heat, but halfway through the year we might start to feel the consequence of a full schedule, lack of sleep and all the daily responsabilities that might leave very little for simple things that are as important as our daily food..... have some rest and some fun....even if we are in the "adult" bracket...
Carrie Heller's therapeutic circus arts has become over the last couple of years my inspiration when it comes to creativity, knowledge and self -care.
Circus Arts therapy is this beautiful hybrid between the body and mind connection, between a therapeutic opportunity and the world of circus arts. Through some talking, bouncing and swinging, every person is encouraged to find balance in their lives, emphasizing self-care, nutrition and body awareness.
Being part of the first generation team trained in Circus Arts therapy has been a tremendous experience, Brande, Marisa and Marci, plus all the staff members at the Circus Arts Institute in Atlanta, made this stay something therapeutic in itself.
I just extend the invitation to everybody , children and adults, to find some space in their lives and allow themselves to be playful ...for some that might be some time with their nephews, children or neighbors, for others it might be just to go for a walk in the park- for us- and I guess I will speak for myself and a few that I know- it is being around the Circus School....... to play , to learn, or perform, and from now on, why not - to find our own therapeutic time - which is nothing else than playful self-care.
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