Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Momentary Stop

October November and December, seemed like the blink of an eye.

We had a great workshop in October with Adam Woolley, the Phantastical Phanatical Cabaret in November
and a well deserved upcoming party for friends and staff members around the corner.

This year has been definitely a year of growth, our Director Shana Kennedy moved to Canada to join the Cirque Du Soleil venture TOTEM as a family, a new director Robin Marcotte has taken the lead with positivity and knowledge and as a circus family we continue to expand and face new challenges that we know (or I know) for sure we will be able to adjust too and support.

As I find myself teaching the last session of the season and the year, I can feel the urge to STOP.
STOP for a moment and look inside and out to see what the movement in my life and people's life brought...and I wonder...

What opportunities of growth will this next year bring?

Some growth in the circus language...will mean to learn a new trick,
some growth might mean a new sequence..
out of the ring...the studio or the apparatus.. .

Some growth might mean to learn to listen- not just to the trainer, partner or leader in your life- but listen to yourself.

In the middle of this season and the so common craze of motion -
I feel the need to stop: in the air or in the ground, to be able to look around - inside- and down... and see your entire self.

No tricks , pure you- unapologetic honest and free.

Have a good Holiday.
See you at the studio.

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