Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Aerial minds… in the air

So finally Nov 8 arrived and the Aerial Plus Workshop took place.

It was a great time to experience and explore the beauty of being on the traps from a different perspective. The breath became our guidance and mindful movement our company.

After a slow pace start to the music of water and soft sounds we woke up our bodies to the energy that bring us alive everyday. After that, we transitioned to the air and allowed ourselves to move and swing to upbeats sounds, kicking high, tucking in, and turning around from the one point trapeze that worked perfectly as the tool to facilitate our two hopes for the day:

Experience how Mindful movement improves performance and skills, and reconnect our Body and Mind as a source of power and well being.

The second part of the session focused on balance strength and partner balance (which I might give a second thought before trying again!). My partner Mandi, brought endless energy and a curious attitude about this different way to have fun on the traps and get to experience your body and mind at the same time. I felt inspired by the support that our director gave us from the very beginning and even happier once we reached the end of the session and encountered women talking about feeling and being better on a daily basis. That is the process that I am trying to foster.

Even if it is for one minute , or 2 hours at the time, people together with a positive attitude and movement in sync can bring a better state of mind not just to themselves , but hopefully to those who they love too.

See you soon and thanks for being there.

1 comment:

  1. I really had fun at the workshop, Christy! I hope there are many more to come.

