Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2011 Reflections

As we leave December, I can only say thank you 2011, and I am choosing

this image that evokes simplicity, stillnes ans beauty..... to do so.
Three montsh after giving birth to my daughter I can seat down and refelct on what life has been showing me.

The biggest gift, my daughter Elise -now 3 months old and growing fast and strong.

The biggest lost, my grandmother.

The biggest challenge: having to stay still, due to some health concerns

A rewarding surprise; love from people I did not know so well

I have been advocating for movement as a source of balance and strength for quite some time now, using aerial movement as the tool to enhance your body awareness , the connection with your internal dialogue and of course the playful spirit that we all have (sometimes sleeping though...), it is ironic that this year inspite of the changes in my own ability to move-I have not change my mind -but actually have deepen my understanding of movement .I comprehend now the "two sides" of our being on a 3 dimensional reality.

Movement ans one.

And as I try to continue my recovery process , I see how the students and teachers at the School create and provide a source of inspiration for those who love aerials, circus and the surreal world of music and movement, knowing that; gives me a positive outlook to what is to come- once I am able to move freely again...

In the meantime, I stay still-and wonder what else will this phase teach me....

Have a great end of the year.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September Flow

As we approach a new academic year this Sept 2011, it seems like the summer flew by.

Between Circus Camp- exciting new venues for people to try at the studio and many babies on board- we are growing and becoming more diverse than before.

The process makes me think about the ability of things to -unfold-.
Most specifically, the way things go by without our intervention or-inspite of it.

Being close to become a mom again, I think has encourage me to find a different meaning in realizing what you have or don't have control over and how that extends to life in its many different levels.

The humbling experiencing of surrender to reality- in an accepting, loving and non-judgmental way- is not easy, however with people that encourage you and remind you about the limits of your reality it is possible.At the very end is practice, practice and practice, like when you are getting ready for a performance....

The interesting thing is that actually to be able to perform and accept reality at your best you need to stay flexible and accommodate through a variety of "mini-adjustments" to stay strong in the air....or the ground. A friend of mine made me see this a couple of weeks ago and gave me a renewed perspective of stability- as constant flow, or as I always thought before -change as being the only constant in life....

My work at the PSCA will resume at some point next year 2012, Aerial Minds' activities will have a pause as I gathered new ideas , get adjusted to the changes in my life and decide how to restart slow movement after surgery.

I am open to what will come and thankful fort he people that helped to stay centered over the last couple of months.

See you soon,
Stay strong- and flexible.

Christy Gorigoitia, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist and Aerialist

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Balanced body....balanced mind.. a Panel discussion and networking event-JULY 19, 2011

Summer at the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts is going great, full kids and youth programs on a fulll swing, some interesting new venues to perform for ongoing students and the exciting addition of new babies to our circus family.
As a new challenge we are conducting the first Pilot study with the help of our students, parents are invaluable volunteers. The goal is to to look into physical self efficacy, social skills and circus skills acquisition, we are excited and looking forward to share the results.
On a different note my last event from aerial mind will focus on wellness, stress and performance is called
Balanced Body...Balanced Mind

This will be a panel discussion and Business Networking
join us to learn positive strategies to stay balanced and centered during the summer. Plus, network and meet new people that support- your goals in staying at your best!

Joining me on the panel are Health Coach Stephanie Shelly and Therapeutic Aromatherapist Lucey Harley.

If you are:
A curious person that strives for better health
An active person that wants to know more about how to reach your peak performance
Looking for a positive evening focused on well-being and relaxed networking
Then this event is for you...

Please register by July 17 at
610 264-2208 or

When? Tuesday, July 19
7:00 pm to 8:30 PM

Where? Lehigh Valley Sports Academy
1665 East Race Street
Off Airport Road in Allentown


Christine Gorigiotia, Psy.D.
Owner, Aerial Mind

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Performing to our best

This upcoming Tuesday June 7 at 7:30 pm I will be at the Leigh Valley Sports Academy (see link below) for the first Workshop of two which will end in a networking event at the end of July.

Parents, coaches and just about anybody who would like to learn and get a practical experience regarding Performance and Wellness Adherence is welcome.

The goals:

* Provide Cognitive Behavioral strategies to increase adherence to wellness
* Identify barriers to performance
* Learn two behavioral strategies to decrease stress and increase performance.

The cost for this workshops is $30 and you can register in the following number: 610 2642208

June 28: Focused on Children

The aerial dance classes and workshops have been postponed until spring of 2012.
I will keep you posted on the upcoming events related to sports, body/mind psychology and prevention.

Have a great week end.

Christine Gorigoitia Pys.D.
Clinical Psychologist & Aerialist

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Performance and Wellness

The flower in this picture really made me think of the perfect balance in nature and how us- so often fall out of balance not even knowing that the real tool to be able to get up and fly again is just to the reach of our hands-, by keeping an open mind and willingness to change.

This upcoming Tuesday May 24 at 7:30 pm I will be at the Lehigh Valley Sports Academy (see link below) for an Open House talk about the connection between performance and wellness adherence.

The focus will be on children, so parents, coaches and just about anybody who would like to learn about these concepts and how to work with them is welcome.

The goal of the talk is:
To provide knowledge regarding the performance and wellness interconnection
To provide the guideliens to identify signs of stress in your child
To provide behavioral strategies to address decreased perforamance in children
To allow parents to identify stregths in their children wellness status.

If you would like to deepen your knowledge about it, I will run two workshops within the next month, same time 7 :30 pm-same place.
The cost for this workshops is $30 and you can register in the following number: 610 2642208

June 7: Focused on Adults
June 28: Focused on Children

The aerial dance classes and workshops have been postponed until spring of 2012 due to my unexpected hernia -and I will keep you posted on the upcoming events related to body and mind psychology and prevention, of course always talking about the mental health from a strength based approach where the focus is on behavioral change and positive strategies to stay balance.

Have a great week.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Time to be grounded

March and April went fast and all the focus at School was in "Performing".
After an amazing round of student performances and a one of a kind experince at the Green Fairy cabaret , I think most of us feel like it is time to breath.

Being "grounded" again after a good time can feel wired for some of us, at the same time it gives you an opportunity to redefine and see where do you want to go: learn about movement, challenge your body, redirect the attention of our practice- the possibilitie are endless.

I think that is the spirit at the School keep moving and exploring and allow yourself to be proud not just the day of the "show" but every day that you face.

The day might be about driving, walking or breathing the air around you.
That energy that we put on the little things will help us to accomplish the big goals.....being a Show or a simple day between -you and you- grounded.

See you at the studio.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Aerial Year

As the year keeps moving forward so does the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts.

New projects like the green Fairy Cabaret and upcoming student showcases start to swing with every days that goes by. A rehearsal , a new idea, a movement in the creation of a character.

Have you thought about what performances that you will be leading this year? in a figurative way of course...

Playing mom, worker, lover or a thief has a different meanings depending on who you are... and where you are, regardless of that, we all have an innate -power of performing to our best -
if we decide to do so. A healthier you a kind attitude or a different relationship means effort and work.

With that positive mindset is that we are starting the year or I am encouraging to do so.

At the studio performance has the power of surprising us and inspiring us and we will continue to work together as small pieces in this big idea of a circus community.

Come and continue to have fun in the air ....or the ground with us...

See you at the studio.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Creative Learning

Creative Learning , seems to be the best way to label what has been going on over the last year in the Aerial Prep class at the studio.

People from different background and ages have “jumped” into their fears and have been able to have some positive experiences with two of the most fun circus apparatus, fabric and trapeze. Some of the goals that people have share with me include, “fitness” ,“stress reduction”, “fun”, “challenge” and curiosity….at the end of 2 months usually half of the people stays for another session, half move on to try something else- once their fears have been vanished.

Aerials can be intimidating, hanging upside down, trusting your body to hold you 20 feet into the ceiling might seems like –not possible-, but it is. Most people start with some negative self talk “can not do that”- no way… however with time they change the way they talk to themselves. There is no magic here. Trial and error, trial and perseverance, trial and commitment. And every time I find myself at the end of the session with renewed hopes: hopes of change and learning; not just about aerials but about what you can and cant do if you set your body and your mind to do so.

The only constant that I know in life is change- and my practice as an instructor has been no exception. I will be starting one on one sessions and small group work starting in March in Philadelphia and Coopersburg. The goal: change- the tool: aerials.

I wish you flexibility, tolerance and perseverance for this 2011 in body- and mind.

See you at the studio.